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The official currency of China is the Yuan. One Yuan equals

            0.2487744619 reais, or about 0.25 reais.
  It was after the Yuan Dynasty that monetization was

   simpler. Began to use paper currency and coin made ​​of metal.
The yuan was born with the nomenclature of "Ren Min Bi, "which means

    "people's currency", and the Central Bank of China is called

                                   "gang of people. "
 The Chinese often refer to as 'Kual', that is how they refer to the

            value of things. But for us even to pronounce yuan.
 The ballots have a monetary value. The highest of 100.00 yen

     amounts to little more than R $ 27.60. With this, the government protects the    ability of Chinese reverse engineering in manufacturing of similar products, kids,    fake, given China's ability to imitate various articles.
  The currencies that circulate throughout the country are: 100 yen, 50 yen, 20 yen, 10 yen, 5 yen and 1 yen. It also has the circulation of metal coins, but the values ​​were negligible inflation and transaction volumes in the general economy.